
30 Jun 2021   concept - make things visible

Concept Engineering –   visualisation of electrical wiring harness systems
generates schematics and connections from CAD netlist



2 March 2020.  antenit blocks to build antennas

new distribution of  Anten'it - antenna design kit

Anten'it  have developed a novel hardware kit for building different antennas using dialectric and metallic blocks.  Faster than a 3D printer and much more fun!  Ideal for practical lab sessions and for research. . 

watch the video in the Anten'it web  |  lastest Anten'it Newsletter 

4 May 2021    MBIST BISR SoC DFT

Capax Infinity is the new rep. for the SoC memory BIST and memory repair EDA tools from  iSTART of Hsinchu, Taiwan for  France, Italy, Spain & Portugal.

iSTART increases production test yield especially for advanced nodes and brings significant advantages for memory hard and soft repair compared to Tessent
